• Question: Why is it that many of our bodies 'crave' unhealthy foods, which lead to bad lifestyles? Why is it that our body does not crave that which will optimise its health?

    Asked by 773hrmc35 to Craig, Laura, Saffron on 25 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Craig Doig

      Craig Doig answered on 25 Jun 2015:

      Our bodies are highly sensitive to fat and sugar as these are sources of energy for us. All though history we have grown to depend on them and our bodies reward us for eating them.

      However, too much of them is really bad for you and unhealthy food is filled with cheap (low-cost) sugars and fat to make it taste good to us.

    • Photo: Laura Wales

      Laura Wales answered on 26 Jun 2015:

      Most people get cravings at some point. Even when we know a certain food is not that healthy, part of our brain makes us want it more. Some people don’t have this problem (lucky so-and-sos). Some people think it’s lack of willpower but it’s more complicated than that. We enjoy the “sugar rush” from these additives because they are so much sweeter than natural sugars.

      (1) The brain uses something called the “reward system”. The brain knows when we eat we are doing something right (ie. a child being given sweets for being good). Feel-good chemicals are released (ie. dopamine) and there is a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction.

      (2) The body wants more of that feel-good dopamine! Building a tolerance can mean you need more of your guilty pleasure to maintain that feel-good factor.

      (3) Eating of unhealthy foods can lead to weight gain, which in turn can make a person feel down. If they feel down, they want to feel good again so they eat.
