• Question: what is your favorite quality?

    Asked by ladysman63 to Amy, Craig, Laura, Partha, Saffron on 16 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Amy Cameron

      Amy Cameron answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      In science I would say perservence but also knowing when you have hit a deadend and decide to move on. That’s important when doing research – you don’t want to waste lots of time on something which isn’t working. At all times kindness. It costs nothing and it can have some surprising outcomes.

    • Photo: Laura Wales

      Laura Wales answered on 17 Jun 2015:

      Enthusiasm. I am enthusiastic about my job because I enjoy it so much and there’s a great atmosphere when workmates are too. It shows a love for the job and keeps each other motivated and makes it a fun place to work.

    • Photo: Saffron Whitehead

      Saffron Whitehead answered on 20 Jun 2015:

      Patience and ambition to succeed in whatever I tackle

    • Photo: Saffron Whitehead

      Saffron Whitehead answered on 20 Jun 2015:

      Patience and ambition to succeed in whatever I tackle. Concern and kindness toward other people
