• Question: What are nanobots?

    Asked by HugoBOSS to Amy, Craig, Laura, Partha, Saffron on 19 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Amy Cameron

      Amy Cameron answered on 19 Jun 2015:

      Nanobots are very, very small robots which you can’t really see with the naked eye. They could potentially be used in medicine but they are only in the development stages at the moment. One potential use may be to target and kill cancer cells. It sounds like something from science fiction but maybe one day in the future they may be used to treat illnesses.

    • Photo: Laura Wales

      Laura Wales answered on 23 Jun 2015:

      Continuing from what Amy said, these amazing little things have an exciting future!

      Since these robots are so small (could be the size of a red blood cell), they could be inserted into a person’s body systems without any noticeable effects. They could be remotely controlled or pre-programmed for a certain procedure, therefore they could be programmed to seek out and deconstruct cancer cells and get rid of them without the need for long treatment plans. They could also be used to repair and reconstruct damaged tissue on the cellular level.

      Quite cool sounding things, me thinks!
