• Question: Can hormones effect you after your teen years

    Asked by imamidget to Saffron, Laura, Craig, Amy on 22 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Saffron Whitehead

      Saffron Whitehead answered on 22 Jun 2015:

      Our bodies need hormones throughout our lives. How would you reproduce if you didn’t have any sex hormones, how would you regulate your sugar levels if you had no insulin, how would you be able to respond to stress without chemicals and on it goes. They don’t just operate in puberty but control reproduction, growth, development, supply of nutrients to our cells and maintain our bodies in a constant state. In fact a fetus around 4 week after conception is producing hormones!

    • Photo: Laura Wales

      Laura Wales answered on 22 Jun 2015:

      As Saffron said, yes. After puberty, hormones are preparing the body for reproduction up until menopause.

      In general, hormones still affect the body in a huge way. For example, insulin control blood sugar levels.

      Hormones are sometimes just used in a different way. For example, Growth Hormone (GH) acts on different parts of the body in children to promote….as you’d guess….growth. However, you obviously don’t want to keep growing so for adults, it acts in a different way and helps you keep a normal body structure, metabolism, and helps certain functions in the body to stay constant.
