• Question: Why do we cry when we're sad?

    Asked by 132hrmc35 to Craig, Laura, Saffron on 25 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Laura Wales

      Laura Wales answered on 25 Jun 2015:

      Crying is one part of human emotion. When we are sad, there’s a build up of energy with feelings. Emotional tears involve our lacrimal glands (just above the eye) have a neural connection to the limbic part of the brain (the part for processing emotional information).

      Some explanations link crying and tears to the earliest development of human infants, who cry so that needs will be met and comfort will be offered. Tears triggered by emotional responses are a very visible form of communication that aren’t easily overlooked.

      Some researchers think we cry to release stress hormones and toxins from the body.

      People with a history of trauma tend to cry more, especially if they dwell on the past. Thinking about past emotional pain can generate more feelings of hurt. Also, many people say they feel much better after a “good cry”.

    • Photo: Craig Doig

      Craig Doig answered on 26 Jun 2015:

      I don’t know I’m a boy – boys don’t cry ;-\
