• Question: Do Boys and Girls have the same level of testosterone till puberty.

    Asked by Dan10 to Craig, Laura on 26 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Craig Doig

      Craig Doig answered on 26 Jun 2015:

      Hi Dan 10
      Yikes… thats a tough question. In general it seems there is little difference in testosterone levels in boy and girls until puberty. Its only really during and post puberty is testosterone important to your body.

      In fact your body will just sort itself out with the hormones it needs, thats one of the amazing things about it. It just knows exactly what it needs to do and you just have to give it a healthy diet and exercise !

    • Photo: Laura Wales

      Laura Wales answered on 26 Jun 2015:

      Interesting question! Most people only ask about testosterone levels during and after puberty.

      Testosterone levels are very low in both before puberty but boys have a larger range. Some examples below are what some research found are average levels (measured in ng/dL). However, other studies may show different so don’t take these numbers as definite.

      0 – 5 months:
      – Males = 75 to 400
      – Females = 20 to 80

      6 months – 9 years:
      – Males = <7 to 20
      – Females = <7 to 20

      10 – 11 years:
      – Males = <7 to 130
      – Females = <7 to 44
